
Homeschool Stress.

HOMESCHOOLING STRESS. Homeschooling is not all fun, games hugs and smiles. Some days it is stressful, chaotic, frustrating and hard. As humans we ALL have those days in life. In general. In homeschooling when days are not the AWESOMENESS THAT YOU DREAMED IT WOULD BE…… Guess what? Stop. Reassess. Take a breather. Change the schedule. …

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Homeschooling and the Working Parent(s)

HOMESCHOOLING AND THE WORKING PARENT(S) Families often discredit the possibility of home education because: the single parent work both parents work the family owns operates a business the single parent works and owns a business However, NONE of these reasons are viable for not choosing to home educate. Think about this…. If public school (online …

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Socialization in Homeschooling

SOCIALIZATION IN HOMESCHOOLING. The main thing families who are considering homeschooling find themselves concerned about is ‘lack’ of socilization for homeschooled children. They think that the homeschooled students: *are ALWAYS in the house.*NEVER connect with peers.*DON’T know how to conversate/talk.*LIVE IN isolation. This is ABSOLUTELY unfounded. Consider the public school atmsophere. Where the students are …

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Homeschool a child with autism? Yes!

The interesting thing regarding homeschooling my autistic child for his entire schooling years is that I HAD NO CLUE he was on the autism spectrum. I found out when he was 19 years old. So how did homeschooling look for him? Normal. I expected of him to complete the school work assigned just as I …

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Homeschool Educational Philosophy. What is yours?

Educational Philosophy. What does education mean to you? What does education look like to YOU? What are the important focuses YOU feel should be apart of your child’s education? Is receiving a high grade the important factors for your child’s education? Is learning for mastery important factors for your child’s education? Is having children who …

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Why homeschool?

Why homeschool? It’s your god-given right to homeschool/home educate your own children. You’ve already been their FIRST teacher from their conception/birth or adoption. You taught them your voice and songs while in utero. You taught them how to eat, their name, how to use the potty and a lot more. You CAN educate your children. …

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Homeschool with the schedule that works for YOU

Homeschooling under Option 3 in South Carolina comes with LOTS of wonderful freedoms. One of yhe many freedoms is….. Freedom to start your homeschool day whenever you want. We are often accustomed to starting the school day as if we are in public school. Rising at 6 am then dress, eat and be ready for …

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The Homeschool Upstart Option 3 Record Keeping Journal

Text message and picture received from a UCHU Member: “Just came in the mail. Excited to try this out.” -Roza The Homeschool Upstart Journal – Homeschool Record Keeping In an effort to make the required record keeping as easy and doable as possible I have created an Option 3 record keeping journal for you to …

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Palmetto Fellows. SC

UCHU, this SC Option 3 homeschool association, was established in 2014. 2015 UCHU established its ranking policy and registered with South Carolina’s Commissioner of Higher education. Why?? So homeschooling families who are members of UCHU can vie for the very coveted SC state scholarship, Palmetto Fellows. As a result student members of UCHU have qualified …

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10 pt grading scale. what is it?

In 2016, South Carolina moved from a 7 pt grading scale to a 10 point grading scale. This grading scale is used for students who are taking high school courses/ college prep, dual enrollment, honors and AP courses. Additionally, this scale is used for TRANSCRIPTS (students taking any of thr above mentioned courses no matter …

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