One of the most revelatory nuggets of life that I learned was that EACH person has THEIR OWN journey in this life.
When I realized this truth WITH UNDERSTANDING I then have been able to trust the process as well as trust ’the garden’ in which each of my eight children where blooming in during home educating them.
In real life words this looked like releasing MY WANTS AND DESIRES for their educational path.
Releasing MY WANTS AND DESIRES for their interests.
Instead discovering and embracing THEM individually with their unique likes and quirks that make them happy/content.

Homeschooling ‘should’ allow space for our children to bloom well even if in a different garden than we groomed them for or hoped for or dreamed of for them.
Their journeys and destinies will beautifully unfold as we continue to see ourselves as ‘educational doulas’ all while trusting that the process of the love of learning will envelope within them as it should.
Peace for the journey.
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Peace and many blessings,
Angela Fafali Nyarko,
United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited owner/director
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