Day # 5,390 of homeschooling.
Or somewhere there abouts.
All I know is that it has been a 22 year journey of homeschooling starting in the year 2000.
When I started my home education journey I was pregnant with my 3rd baby, had a 4 year old and a 2 year old who was a 28 week preemie.
Newly moved into a townhome with my then husband, the only bread winner, and we were struggling then financially.
My 4 yr old was so ready to start some type of structured learning but all I could afford was WalMart curriculum and paper which allowed me to create my own curriculum while we lived in Virginia.
That first year of homeschooling was really an amazing feat.
We successfully made it happened.

I had baby #3 by c-section, nursed her, continued to homeschool and by the following year I started MY FIRST BUSINESS!!!
‘Children Are Gifts from God Childcare Services. I added five more children into my home, my care and my schooling (ages 3-4 years old.)
Every day was Sesame street ABC’s video, Sesame Street 123’s video, Mr. Parrot Spanish video, Leap Frog Word Factory video, coloring, writing and playtime.
I taught ALL MY KIDS.
I homeschooled all ‘my kids’ for five years I had that business.
Had another baby. Baby #4. And kept it ALL moving.
Amazing what we are capable of doing when we are determined to.
Moved to SC. Adopted four more children and continued homeschooling.
Later started another business in South Carolina….. My homeschool association, United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited and a Homeschool co-op, UCHU STEAM Academy.
I give families in South Carolina legal status to home educate. Yay!!!
Awesome journey of homeschooling.
Graduated four from homeschooling with four more to go as of this writing!!
Started Girlfriends Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan (FB, YT and IG) where I share the stories of homeschooling families of the diaspora all over the world.
Educating Our Own (FB and IG) where I provide resources for homeschoolers of color.
The Homeschool Upstart ( is my online homeschooling course and various homeschooling products.
And Girlfriends Chat with Angela Jordan Perry is my podcast. www.anchor/fm/GirlfriendsChat
My purpose driven life is to make a positive impact on 1,000’s of homeschoolers worldwide!!
I shall do it!!! I am doing it!!
What will your homeschool journey story be? Keep homeschooling and you will have YOUR OWN story to tell.
Be sure to share this post with a friend. You NEVER know who may need to read this.
Peace and Blessings, Angela, owner/director United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited

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