Thought Provoking Thursdays
Thought Provoking Thursday: Behind Every Kid
Although the following is true…….I am okay with that fact and reality. Because where I am weak HE is strong. In my imperfection He is made perfect. 🙂 I cling to that 🙂 2 Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” …
Though Provoking Thursday: A Mom Sets the Tone
The tone of the house is set by the Mom. Have you ever heard this before? Years ago when I was a much younger Mom I went through a course at my church called “Keeper of the Home.” In this class I learned all aspects of being a wife and mother of my home. From decorating. …
Thought Provoking Thursdays: Mother
Can I get an Amen??
Thought Provoking Thursday: Life Lessons Often Overlooked
As homeschoolers, we are daily working on moral maturity and character development. No one know,s like the home educator, the daily happenings that we are having to correct, discipline or discuss with our children. We see the *good*, *bad* and the *ugly* of their character, attitudes and temperaments. However, somethings we don’t often get a …
Thought Provoking Thursday: Life Lessons Often Overlooked Read More »