
My homeschooling beauties!!

The last four to finish strong!!! (ages 15, 13, 13, 11)


Angela Fafali with the youngest four of her eight children.

Do you homeschool?

If not, let’s get the process in motion.

  1. You must be the parent or legal guardian.
  2. You must have a high school diploma, GED or higher.
  3. You must join an option 3 association. Join UCHU here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScEq6m6dKe3AD_cePVBDzDMJmUrxiELPmAibNykJNo34CpaLw/viewform
  4. Adhere to the Option 3 laws. Read here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eJZoTR9m1Cltqj06NMF-7enI0PJnxnyRsSFHneEQ2-M/edit
  5. Choose when you will begin your schooling year. You can begin now!!!
  6. Choose your homeschooling resources to educate your children: curriculum, online resources, library, tutor, YouTube. You get to choose!

If you’d like to chat with me directly schedule a phone chat from my virtual calendar from www.calendly.com/UCHUThirdOption/15min


You can do it!

Serving You and Yours, Angela Fafali