First, know your state homeschooling laws.
What state are you located in?
Do not… Do not create public school in your home.
Figure out your style, likes and interest and create that in your home.
Next… do not be a copy cat. Don’t copy what another family is doing. Create YOUR OWN VISION FOR YOUR OWN HOME EDUCATION JOURNEY.

Next, Give yourself a lot of grace. Lots!!! Every year will look different. Enjoy the NOW of homeschooling. Don’t beat up on yourself. Home education is a growing and learning process. Have fun!!! Make it memorable!! Measure your child to ONLY your child.
After 22 years of homeschooling, 8-children and 7-more years of homeschooling to go it gets easier as you chill, relax and enjoy the journey.
If you do and listen to all the stuff people say you must do, and the philosophy you must know and the home school style your must ascribe to then you will not enjoy your journey.
Add in a lot of your children’s interest. Curricula are guides not the holy grail.
Schooling is more than books… IT’S LIVING DAY TO DAY LIFE AND LEARNING FROM IT!!
Have an awesome first year!!

Angela Fafali Nyarko