Before you have a straight-out heart attack…… look. at. the. video.
I will never condone nor suggest that you choose *racist curriculum.*
Though I’m sure there are those who do.
Let’s not fool ourselves with this thought process! Many do.
The purpose here is to suggest you take a look at your homeschooling curriculum to see if it *is* racist…….providing a sense of superiority over other races. And if it does….what it looks like when it does.
And make sure that your homeschool curriculum does not shine a bad light on other races.
I’m guilty of this in the past for my own homeschooling family.
When I realized my error in choice our family made a change! Quick and in a hurry.
Let’s dive in the conversation Girlfriend!! It’s a good one.
Your comments and thoughts are welcome!
If this video hits a nerve…..well let’s talk through it. What’s going on? Why does it not set well with you?
If it has illuminated your thinking…great. Start on the journey to awareness and change. 🙂
(Share on your fb page or social media connections. This topic just may be the information your homeschooling friend, neighbor, relative or other is needing to hear.)