Racist Homeschooling Part 2: Racist and Segregated Co-Ops and Academies…..NO THANK YOU! (YouTube video)


Yeah….time to speak out on this tough and hard issue regarding homeschooling with Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling.

Personally having been affected by racist and segregated co-ops I talk freely on this subject. My perspective, my experience AND what/how to make the change.

I’ll let the video speak for itself!

Comments, thoughts and ideas are welcomed.

(Share this on your social media page…..someone just might need to hear it.)

Part 3 ……….. Racist Homeschooling: Choosing the Perfect Racist Curriculum for Your Family

Serving You and Yours,

Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 24 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, mentor, entrepreneur, Young Living direct marketer, mad’am farmer, homeschool Academy director, President of Women’s Empowerment Toastmaster-Greenville and follower of Jesus Christ. Angela and her family makes their home in Campobello, SC.