Messy Monday: Homeschooling and Home-Cleaning :p

I’m SURE you thought Messy Monday would focus on doing something with your children that is FUN and MESSY!

Well, I’m changing it up a bit this week. We are going to focus on the OPPOSITE of being Messy!!!

That is being CLEAN. ORGANIZED WHILE homeschooling!

Ok….Nobody and I mean *nobody* understands this focused concern, continually monkey on the back, daily grind more than I do.

Years ago I decided to make life easier for myself by having a well planned out chore schedule in order to keep our home clean.

I will say that i was MUCH EASIER keeping a clean house when my children were little as opposed to now when they are older. 😛

While they were little, I decided what things they were going to have, where they would play with it and when they would play with it.

While they are older, they have all sorts of *stuff* they want to hold on to (pack racks), things they want to pull out and look at here, there and every where. Just stuff. So at times I am constantly having them pick up *their* stuff while they maintain their chore list.

Most of the time our weeks will go back flawless and our house is kept clean and orderly.

But sometimes…….. just sometimes…… Well you. Disaster just happen and chore list is forgotten for a few days.

But with so many people in our home I still find that we have tons of stuff to deal with and find a place for……….especially since we live in a smaller house than what we did just a year ago as of this writing.

So……for Messy Monday’s focus my goal is to provide helpful resources to assist you in keeping your *house school* orderly, organized and clean.

It may involve a lot of work on the front end but the benefits are rewarding on the back end. 🙂

perfect homeschool room


They are pictures.

They are blogs.

And they are suppose to look/sound perfect.

Take what you find helpful. Work on a few elements at a time. Add to the few helpful things you can grasp right now. Then grow from there. 🙂

Happy a Happy Messy Monday (Clean Monday)!

Simply CLICK on the below links to go to the helpful website. 🙂

Cleaning Schedule for Homeschool Families

Keeping a Tidy Home While Homeschooling

Keeping It Simple: Lessons on Household Management


Angela P.

Serving You and Yours. 🙂