Is this true or false? (picture in the document)

My question is……

Although preschoolers – our little ones may be the description of what the sign says above but at what point are they trained to learn to sit still, be quiet, be patient while others are being home schooled?

I know personally I take the age of 2 yrs. old and 3 yrs. old for good-ole ‘sit-down’ training.

The purpose is to see how long the child can sit still without having to jump all over the place, make all sorts of noises, run around the house being disruptive etc.

Everytime he makes a peep or move a muscle he is redirected to the initial plan of sitting still and quiet.

Our three year old son has been in training for 2-1/2 years. He has learned well the ART of being self-controlled.

I really think society has under-estimated children. He can sit for as long as I need him to sit while I teach others or take care of chores around the house. I’m grateful for his teachable and trainable heart.

My husband and I actually have done that with all eight of our children.

If these cute little precious preschoolers can learn all the songs to the famous movie ‘Frozen’ then they can learn anything that they are faithfully taught. I truly believe we must be faithful to teach them and train them the ART of self control. 🙂


~Angela P.