Just in case you started homeschooling today…….

 In our state homeschooling under Option 3 we have the freedom to choose when. we. start. our. home education. 🙂

The point is that we must ensure that we have a minimum of 180 days completed in school.

Isn’t that lovely?!! 🙂

For example:

*Some homeschooling families start schooling from January to December, 180 days.

*We start on Labor day or the day after until August, 180 days. We school for six weeks then take a week off all the way through until August. Then take a three week break to be prepared to start again in September.

*Some start in August until May, 180 days.

*Numerous homeschoolers go completely through the year reaching beyond 180 days of homeschooling. 

But for those who have started today along with the public schools in our state………..

first day of school