Families often discredit the possibility of home education because:
- the single parent work
- both parents work
- the family owns operates a business
- the single parent works and owns a business
However, NONE of these reasons are viable for not choosing to home educate.
Think about this….
If public school (online or in person), charter school nor private school were options for you BUT YOU are responsible for your children’s academics……
Really ponder that.
You still are a single parent, working parent, two parent family and both work, or are running a business but your children still have to be educated.
Here’s what you’d do.
You’d figure out a schedule and routine that would allow you to both….
You’d find resources that would allow you to do both….
Work and oversee your children’s education.
*School on the days you don’t work.
*Lessen the number of days you’d actually have school because of your work schedule.
*Utilize online resources.
Resources Like….
*UCHU’s online courses at,
The list goes on and on.
*How about hiring a tutor for specific subjects you aren’t able to give a lot of time teaching?
I*How about homeschooling in the evenings while you run your business in the day time?
*How about setting business hours and days to a specific schedule?
For me I have open office times Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 pm – 5 pm. The other days and times are devoted to homeschooling.
How about assigning work during the day time that your students can do without your help, ie writing, studying spelling, reading, computer programming, typing, history reading.
And then you devote time to the subjects where they may need your help and subjects which you enjoy teaching. ie math.
And subjects you don’t like to teach and they can’t do alone source those subjects out. ie history, use YouTube.
Or Physics use an online course or an Uncle who aced physics in school. If that Uncle lives out of state set up zoom virtual teaching with him.
In homeschooling you have to be creative and think outside the box if you are a working parent or business owner.
Nothing is impossible.

Deschool from what you know school is to look like or what you ‘think’ it looks like.
As a family make it happen and make it work for YOU!!
Remember that homeschooling under Option 3 in SC there is no required number of schooling hours in a day.
Remember that you have to reach 180 days within a calendar year.
Meaning, reach 180 days within 365 days in a year.
For additional curriculum or online resource ideas use the link below:
To register and begin your legal homeschooling journey under the auspices of United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited, SC Homeschool law Section 59-65-47,
Go here to register:
Share this with a friend as you just never know who may need to know this information.
Questions? Schedule a phone chat with me from my virtual calendar at
Happy homeschool journey.
Serving You and Yours,

Angela Fafali Nyarko, United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited, LLC, owner/director
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