The interesting thing regarding homeschooling my autistic child for his entire schooling years is that I HAD NO CLUE he was on the autism spectrum.
I found out when he was 19 years old.
So how did homeschooling look for him?
I expected of him to complete the school work assigned just as I expected from his siblings.
HOWEVER, I did make accommodations for him as I noticed struggle areas for him.
He didn’t start fluently reading until he was 10 years old. I just kept working with him until his brain helped him understand. Then he became an avid reader.
Algebra 1 almost took him in. Whew!! So I slowed down the pace and he completed it over 2-years. Same for Algebra 2.
His writing skills were amazing!!
He understood grammar and spelling without a problem.
He enjoyed researching and computers. And video games.
He learned better visually so I made sure a lot of his studies were by video or computer.
He was obsessed with Japanese and Japan. He learned the culture. Taught himself to read and write Japanese.

The thing is…..
Students will thrive wherever they are lovingly planted.
‘Lovingly’ means taking time to understand your child’s learning style and helping them along their learning and school journey.
You can homeschool your autistic student!!!
Yes, you can!
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