So that time of year is fast approaching again. It’s fall. If you’re in the upper part of the state you may be experiencing some signs that fall is coming. I grew up in Greenville County and always loved this time of year. In the Midlands where we live now, there are no signs of Autumn just yet. There’s pretty much two seasons summer and a very short-lived winter. So I don’t get to enjoy Fall the way I once did. Oh how I miss the days of my youth..sometimes.
But this post is not about the weather. I want to talk about cleaning. What?!? Yes! That’s right cleaning. It’s not Spring, but it’s a time you can use to clear that unnecessary clutter. We often look at Fall as a time to hide inside, put the pumpkin spice on tap, and hunker down for the cold winter months ahead. But let’s also use this time to make a positive change in our environment.
Our home is not just an empty space we pass through on occasion. Our homes have a certain energy about them and can greatly affect our mood. Each time we start to accumulate too much stuff around our home, I begin to feel stressed, closed in, and agitated. I don’t think as clearly, and I’m very irritable. I’ve noticed as soon as I clear the clutter those feelings dissipate. It’s like a weight has been lifted, and I can function properly again.
Now some people thrive in a little disarray. I get that. But I’m not talking about the stack of yesterday’s mail on the counter or the clothes that just didn’t make back onto hangers yet. I mean the junk that you don’t need. The pile of clothes that don’t fit that should have long made its way to the thrift store. The stuff that’s just sitting around collecting dust and taking up precious space. That’s the stuff to lose this season.
How? You might ask. Who has time to clean and declutter their house right? You can make it simple and painless with just a little planning. Pick your time frame. A weekend? Cool. A week? Even better! If you have a Home Ec course in your homeschool, you can include this as part of that curriculum. To make it painless, do a little extra as you complete your daily routine. When you go into your closet to pull out those plush sweaters and jackets, take an empty box or trash bag with you. Make it a point to fill the bag or box with clothes or shoes that don’t fit or you haven’t worn in a year or more. Do this with the kids clothes too. When the kids clean up their toys, let them separate the toys into three categories: broken toys, toys they’ve outgrown, and toys they still use. I wouldn’t tell them that the toys they’ve outgrown are going to be given away. It might make this process a lot more difficult than it needs to be. Go through bookshelves and give away duplicate titles and broken books (or fix them). You can also go through cabinets and pantries and donate any food that you guys won’t eat.
I’m also personally using this time to not just clear the clutter but to do some deep cleaning. Nothing around our house stays clean for very long so there’s always something to clean. If you want to take it to the next level, take some time and clean things like baseboards, walls, vacuum in closets, flip mattresses, clean out cabinets, etc.
You can make a list of things to clean just in Fall and list of things to clean in Spring. Or if you’re like me, everything you deep clean in Spring will definitely need cleaning again by Fall. So just make one list to do both times of the year.
It’s going to take a little extra work, but it’s so worth it. Just do a little planning and take some time to clear your house and life of the clutter.
Naja Coles
I’m most importantly a follower of Christ by who’s blood we believe there is salvation. We believe in biblical Truth only. Being led by the Spirit of God, we seek to raise our family by that Truth. I am a wife of 7 years, and mom to 8 wonderful children ages 6-7 months. We have been homeschooling for 2 years officially (6 if you include preschool). I enjoy music, gardening, and learning to live a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle.
Matthew 4:17