Do It Anyway

I’m sitting here trying to come up with a topic for this week’s blog post. I’m having so much trouble getting my thoughts together. My body is tired and my mind is completely scattered. It’s been a long day and nothing wants to come up or out. I’m two seconds away from giving up and going to bed. I just figure I can explain myself through email and pray my apologies will be accepted. I say in my head “What do you do when you don’t want to do something?” And a still small voice says to my heart “Do it anyway.”


I laugh silently because I know that voice. The voice that has lead me out of unrighteousness and into redemption. That voice that keeps me out of trouble often. I’m laughing because I’m thinking “that voice would tell me to get to work.” It’s the voice of my Father telling me exactly what I need to do although I may not want to hear it. 

I have obligations to fulfill and me trying to slide my way out of those obligations will only hurt me in the long run. By making excuses for myself this week, it just opens the door for me to flake out next month and the next. His voice knows that. His voice prompts me to continue working instead of giving me space to be lazy. Then He gives me the strength I need to do so.

I’m thinking “isn’t this what I’m teaching my children each day?” I don’t want them to make a habit of giving up just because things are difficult. I don’t want them falling short of reaching their goals because they couldn’t press past minor or major obstacles. I want them to see and know that pressing beyond their limits will only give them greater limits to reach.

Now look at what happened  when I listened to His voice. The voice that reminds me “For all things I have strength, in Christ’s strengthening me;” Phillipians 4:13 (YLT) I have been able to share with you my heart ( and His). I have fulfilled my obligation to write this post. Most importantly, I have stretched myself beyond what I felt was my limit and come out strengthened and more accomplished than if I’d given up.


Naja Coles

I’m most importantly a follower of Christ by who’s blood we believe there is salvation. We believe in biblical Truth only. Being led by the Spirit of God, we seek to raise our family by that Truth. I am a wife of 7 years, and mom to 8 wonderful children ages 6 years-11 months. We have been homeschooling for 2 years officially (6 if you include preschool). I enjoy music, gardening, and learning to live a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle. 

Matthew 4:17