Developing Reading Skills At The Right Time

Do you every sit and observe your child or children during class?

Have you noticed a change in your students’ academic performance from last year to this year?

Has your child reading fluency increased since last year?

As a homeschool parent and educator, I have to remember to take a moment and observe my children completing their academic subjects. Today was a very special day for me because I had an opportunity to observe my youngest son read a story aloud to me.

I was amazed at his ability to decode a variety of words without having to pause and sound out every letter. 

In addition, his fluency has improved a lot since he was in fourth grade.

Not only has his decoding and fluency skills improved, his

comprehension has increased too.

My son had to read a story titled Floyd Makes A Choice. He begins reading the title of the story and read every paragraph without any interruption due to having to decode the words.

Also, he stopped at every punctuation mark.

He increased his voice to show excitement when he was reading a sentence ending with an exclamation mark.

After my son finish reading several paragraphs, I begin asking him questions about the story to check his comprehension skills. He was able to answer the questions without looking back at the story.

Can you say one proud Mom?

  I am extremely excited to see all of his hard work finally paying off.

Now, I know that I was stressing for no reason when he would eventually develop great decoding, fluency, and comprehension skills.

In addition, he would begin to understand the importance of reading from left to right and the importance of why we have sight words and decoding skill days in our classroom.

What curriculums have assisted me in helping my child develop his skills?

I am extremely thankful for finding the following two curriculums in assisting my son in developing his decoding, fluency, and comprehension skills.

They are: All About Reading and Spire

If your child is having difficulties reading (Dyslexia), I highly recommend these curriculums because I have used them, and I have seen the benefits.

In addition, I understand how they can assist myself and my child with tackling a difficult subject like reading.

I would like to leave you with this message. If your child has difficulties with any academic subject, they will eventually understand and comprehending the steps that it takes to learn the subject. Do not become frustrated or stressed, your child will develop his or her skills soon or later. Patience is key.

Happy Homeschooling!!!

Have a great day!!!

Live Life to The Fullest, You Deserve It!!!!

My name is Denise. I am a wife and mother. I have homeschooled for a total of nine years. I enjoy homeschooling and sharing my advice with others. I have been married for a total of 15 years to my best friend, handsome, and supportive husband Tim. Besides being a wife, I am the mother to two smart, fun, loving, and handsome boys Tyron and Tyson. I am the mother to two fur babies my Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) Ebony and Shaka Zulu. Along with being a wife and mother, I am a blogger and entrepreneur. My blog website is , and it is all about homeschooling, being plant based, and everyday life of a homeschool family. In addition, I have an online business called Deveghomemama Unlimited Custom Designs where I sell custom and handcrafted merchandise. If you would like to view my merchandise, here is the link If you would like to follow me on my social media outlet, they are Facebook and Instagram: Deveghomemama Facebook Business: Deveghomemama Unlimited Custom Designs. Recently, I opened an Etsy Store titled DeveghomemamaUCD where I sell handcrafted jewelry, natural bath and body gift baskets, wax melts, and apparel. Here is the direct link: