How do you cope with a stressful day?
What are some things that you do to maintain mental and physical health?
Do you know someone who struggles with anxiety and/or depression?
This blog is based on my personal experience of coping with mental illness; for example, anxiety and depression.
This was a difficult topic to discuss with my family growing up because it was hard to explain the way that I felt; also, I was taught to believe black families should not spreak about having health issues especially mental.
In fact, my Mom, Dad and brothers still believe this theory.

What are somethings that I do to help me cope with my mental illness?
First, I begin my reciting my the three R’s
(relax, relate, and release) to help control my breathing through the stressful moment also known as Mindfulness.
After performing the three R’s, I take a few minutes to myself to help gain clarity of my thoughts and process the stressful situation.
I begin to focus on ways that I can make this moment better. I begin meditation.
For instance, I close my eyes and I imagine that I am on a beach watching the water. It helps to calm my mind. There is something about watching the waves of the ocean that calms the mind.
Once I open my eyes, I am relaxed. This method has prevented me from having a panic attack.
Second, I read one of my favorite romance books while I relax in my recliner.
I read a chapter or more before I put the book down to continue on with my day.
Third, I take a warm bubble bath using my favorite bubble bath to relax from my stressful day.
Do I take medication for my anxiety/depression?
Yes, I take a daily prescription to assist me in managing my anxiety and depression.
My advice to you, do not let your mental health take control over your life. I suggest that you talk with someone to help you through the moments.
In addition, I recommend doing something that is relaxing; for example, reading your favorite book, taking a long hot shower or bubble bath, taking your prescribed medication, taking a long walk or exercising, crafting, etc.
When you have a stressful day, do you share it with anyone?
Do you take a mental health day from work or school?
Do you have something that you do to help you cope with your stressful day?
Remember “self care is most important for you because you cannot support others when the foundation has cracks”. Timothy Linder
Have a great day!!!!
Live Life To The Fullest, You Deserve It!!!!
My name is Denise. I am a wife and mother. I have homeschooled for a total of nine years. I enjoy homeschooling and sharing my advice with others. I have been married for a total of 15 years to my best friend, handsome, and supportive husband Tim. Besides being a wife, I am the mother to two smart, fun, loving, and handsome boys Tyron and Tyson. I am the mother to two fur babies my Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) Ebony and Shaka Zulu. Along with being a wife and mother, I am a blogger and entrepreneur. My blog website is , and it is all about homeschooling, and being plant based, and everyday life of a homeschool family. In addition, I have an online business called Deveghomemama Unlimited Custom Designs where I sell custom and handcrafted merchandise. If you would like to view my merchandise, here is the link If you would like to follow me on my social media outlet, they are Facebook and Instagram: Deveghomemama Facebook Business: Deveghomemama Unlimited Custom Designs.