Build that Immune System

Even in my infinite wisdom, I sometimes find I have nothing to talk about. (Ha) So, I’m going to share more of what I love…FOOD! 

As businesses open and lock downs are lifted soon, we will have more contact with others and may find ourselves in contact with more illnesses (not just Covid-19). So to prepare for that, let’s spend some time boosting and feeding our immune systems.


You want to get enough sun so your body can make its own vitamin D. (No pricey supplement required.) Just 15-30 mins or so a day will do. Also, do some moving while outdoors to help your lymphatic (immune) system circulate. Take a good quality vitamin C. Use essential oils to help support good health. Take elderberry syrup. And feed your body good nutrient dense food.

One of my favorite nutrient dense foods is bone broth (or veggie broth). Chicken bone broth is the easiest. You can also make veggie broth simply too. These broths are good to sip when you are well or sick. Below are my recipes for chicken bone broth, veggie broth, and a recipe for a sipping broth that I love. Hope you enjoy!  


Slow Cooker Chicken Bone Broth

2 pkgs chicken feet (or other discarded chicken carcass, bones, etc)

Vegetables of your choice (onions, carrots, peppers, garlic, etc)

Herbs of your choice (thyme, rosemary, etc)



Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)


Clean feet using cold water. Place them in a slow cooker, cover with water, and add about ¼ cup of ACV. Let stand for 30 mins. 

Add your choice of vegetables (rough chopped with skin on). Add herbs and cover with water. Slow cook on low for 8-12 hours. (The longer the better.) Let broth cool. Strain broth through cheesecloth or tea towel. Salt and pepper to taste. Place in quart jars or plastic containers and store in the fridge or freezer.

*I know chicken feet are gross. However, they have lots of cartilage, tendons, and bones. This means more collagen and minerals in your broth and body.

*This will store about 7 days in the fridge and about 3 months in the freezer.

*Add organic tomato paste and nutritional yeast for a more intense flavor.


Slow Cooker Veggie Broth

Vegetables of your choice (onions, garlic, leeks, carrots, celery, etc)

Herbs of your choice (thyme, rosemary, etc)




Rough chop all veggies (peels and skins left on). Add herbs. Cover with water. Cook on low for 8 hours. Strain broth through cheesecloth or tea towel. Salt and pepper to taste. Place in quart jars or plastic containers and store in the fridge or freezer.

*This a great recipe to use kitchen scraps. I save my veggie scraps in the freezer just for making broths.

Here’s the link to the sipping broth recipe:

Mineral-Rich Sipping Broth


Naja Coles

I’m most importantly a follower of Christ by who’s blood we believe there is salvation. We believe in biblical Truth only. Being led by the Spirit of God, we seek to raise our family by that Truth. I am a wife of 8 years, and mom to 8 wonderful children ages 7 years-1 year. We have been homeschooling for 2 years officially (7 if you include preschool). I enjoy music, gardening, and learning to live a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle. 

Matthew 4:17 “Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”