Sometimes I wonder if my efforts will count
Sometimes my day starts and I wish it hadn’t
Sometimes I feel way down low in the dumps
Sometimes I am totally overwhelmed at the thought of 14 more years of homeschooling – TO GO!
Sometimes I feel like I don’t have enough LOVE in me for my family
Sometimes I wish I can start over and get new orders of responsibility
Sometimes I can’t get my essential oils on me quick enough to get me started in my day
Sometimes I believe I’m doing okay and everyone will make it just fine
Sometimes I really believe that I am *dooming* my children
Sometimes I believe I just don’t *cut it* for the job
Sometimes I wish I could just sit still and think
Sometimes I just *hate* clothes shopping for my children
Sometimes I think I am the worse example of a house keeper/homeschooler Mom my girls can ever have
Sometimes my witness as a Christian just isn’t as bright as I’d like before my children
Sometimes I believe the words of the enemy about me *not measuring up*
Sometimes I feel not smart enough to even *teach* my children
Sometimes I put more trust in essential oils ability then in God’s ability to do for me
Sometimes I think I’m crazy to attempt getting my children involved in activities only to WEAR ME OUT
Sometimes I prefer isolation to avoid homeschooling drama in the homeschooling community
Sometimes I wish I had others to pour my heart out to
Sometimes I run the opposite way of homeschoolers because…….
Sometimes I wish I could start all over from Kindergarten with my oldest child
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to get up, just sleep all my room…alone
Sometimes I get a little tickle in my tummy when my four year old finally catches the difference between a *b* and a *d*
Sometimes I can’t help but smile when I see my children finally grasp a concept they’ve been working on for a while
Sometimes I look forward to starting a new week to homeschool *rightly* this time
Sometimes a gush of joy pitter patters all over my heart when I hear my children quote God’s Word that they learned at home
Sometimes a sense of contentment reaches my heart when I see my children’s mastery in various courses
Sometimes finding new homeschooling friends is worth the wait
Sometimes I feel on top of the world with great success
Sometimes I can’t get enough of hanging with other homeschoolers
Sometimes I don’t have to measure up……but just *do* and *be*
Sometimes I shake my head in amazement when the directions given to my children are followed the first time given
Sometimes I gloat just a little when my entire house is clean
Sometimes I do the same thing (gloat) when a delicious, hot dinner is on the table
Sometimes I do it even more (gloat) when I’ve mustered up the *I can do it attitude* and go clothes shopping for my children
Sometimes I get so sad when I realize that my homeschooling years will soon come to an end
Sometimes I wonder what life will be like not to be homeschooling or have my children around ALL. DAY. LONG.
Sometimes I am so full of love that I feel I will burst
Sometimes I am overwhelmed at all the Lord has called me to in this season of my life
Sometimes I wonder if God ever shakes His head at me
Sometimes I still myself to hear the Lord say, “Well done. Keep Going.”
Sometimes I enjoy being me
Sometimes I never forget that God is enough and sufficient
Sometimes I get sheer delight when I can find a spot to sit and be still in my mind, my body and my emotions
Sometimes I enjoy doing what I’m called to do
Sometimes, sometimes is good enough
Sometimes I grasp the understanding of everything being in it’s own season
By Angela Perry
Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”