Thought Provoking Thursday: Don’t Fall. Unite.

Ok….in all honesty I like the cartoon down below and have been trying out how to make t work for this week’s thought Provoking Thursday post. Ha! Hope I do it justice.

For the many hundreds of families that have found a home with UCHU-AA Option 3 this past year, it’s my prayer and desire that you have found a place of SUPPORT, HELP AND A SENSE OF UNITY.

Not a unity in spiritual beliefs. Nor homeschooling Philosophies.

But a unity in what you desire and what UCHU-AA offers its members.

On the same token…..if you’ve not found *unity* in what you need vs. what is provided through UCHU-AA then you may want a new home. And that is ok. 🙂

It is often good.

It is often necessary.

Choosing the right Option 3 association is as much of a BIG DEAL, I think, as finding the right car.

The seats MUST feel comfortable.

You gotta have plenty of leg room.

Enough space for the size of your family. (we have a family size of TEN)

The head rest must tilt at just the right place for you to be comfortable.

Sales price? Must be right.

You see what I am saying?

Unity. If we all stick together nobody falls

As the families of UCHU-AA continue to UNITE in the vision of  homeschooling with support for each other….no one will fall! No one. …Ok, in theory. Or at least for the sake of the point I’m making here.

UCHU-AA is continually adding value to what is offered based on what YOU have suggested.

Grant it, Option 3 support of the laws is foremost.

But what delicacies of *unity* have we added to help bring YOU support and a sense of unity with UCHU-AA?

Look at a few of the delicacies that will aid in your homeschooling unity and success:

UCHU Homeschool support website tab

The purpose of UCHU Homeschool Support Group is to provide support to families with focuses of homeschool questions, guidance, encouragement, direction, insights, creative homeschooling needs and the like.

UCHU Let's Eat Website tab

*UCHU Let’s Eat:

A Facebook page for homeschooling families to discuss creative breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas. Homeschooling Moms are always looking for new menus, creative food options, healthy eating resources, good deals and sales that’s out there for us to take advantage of. Share pics of your meals, make videos of your creative food making….Be creative. But make our mouths water!!!
Moderated by Gwen Reynolds


UCHU politics webpage

*UCHU Politics:
A Facebook page for homeschooling families to discuss, learn and be educated on the happenings of politics in our community and country. Discuss at your own risk.


Field trip club logo

This is not the MEMBER group.

Reminders and information about upcoming UCHU Field Trip Club trips, as well as a place to share fun field trip and experiential learning opportunities.

Coordinator Amanda Sanford,


FB Pic5 Updated

A Facebook page for homeschooling families to sale any desired items or to promote their businesses.

Coordinator Misty Medlin,


Follow us on Pinterest:


@ UCHUnlimited

For any an all the creative, helpful and unique things you want to know and utilize across a broad spectrum of information! With Pinterest Queen, Shay Perry



Susan Blackwell has a heart and love for providing support to homeschooling families with special needs families. She is available for you., , 803.794.6908


Coming August!!!

The Homeschool Blog & Blag (1)


Stay tuned. Jessica will be hold beta sessions over the summer and will be live August 2016.


The list continues:

*High School class ranking


*Report cards

*Senior Graduation

*Kindergarten Graduation

*One on One counseling.

*Workshops: Homeschooling in SC: What You Need to Know from Kindergarten and Beyond.

*More is coming!


If you find that there are other resources or delicacies you’d like to be able to unite upon with UCHU-AA please send me a contact notification, email or a call.