Just in case you are not knowledgeable of Common Core or is affected by it already in some way via having some public schooled children then I’ve gathered some information for you to read at your leisure.
These links are NOT to alarm you but you educate you.
If you nor I are educated then we will fall to *fear and worry* because we simply do not *know* nor *understand* what Common Core is all about.
We can pay *royally* if we fail to possess knowledge and understanding (as much as possible) on this subject.
Scripture teaches us that above ALL OF OUR GETTING………we should get an understanding!
I do not condone, stand behind nor support any of these sources of information I’ve linked below.
I’m ONLY providing these resources so that YOU can gather information and be informed.
Please eat any *meat* and spit out the bones.
Meaning, take what you think to be pertinent information on your journey and throw out anything that is of a bogus nature and that is not pertinent to your journey towards understanding Common Core.
I would appreciate any feedback or further enlightenment you may have on this subject.
Be sure to respond in the comment section below this post: (simply CLICK on any of the titles below to be forwarded to that website with information)
Understanding Common Core – an easy to follow explanation
Understanding Common Core State Standard Initiative
Resources for Understanding Common Core State Standard Initiative
3 Easy Steps to Understanding Common Core
Homeschooling Family Order to Follow Common Core Standards
School From Home: Homeschool Common Core
What’s the Big Deal with Common Core – Part 1
What’s the Big Deal with Common Core – Part 2 (with video of Bill Gates)