Simple. Easy. Quick. Daily record keeping for South Carolina Homeschoolers.

Just today and frequently I have families who are homeschooling in South Carolina inquiring about ideas on how to stay on top of their record keeping which is required under Option 3 law.

While there are so many ways to do this:

*Excel spreadsheet

*Automated google sheet

*Cellphone App (LOL Portfolio ) is a great option especially if you are unschooling)

*Paragraphs and paragraphs of details in a notebook

*or my simple short form that I’ve perfected over the years of homeschooling. Ha!!

There really is no wrong or right way to do it.

Well……if you ‘DON’T DO IT’ it then that would be wrong.  Uugghh! :/

However, if you want a simple, easy, and quick format to follow then go to the Member’s Only section of this website to see my favorite form ever that I created and use yearly.

I have the link to it right in the Member’s Only section.

You may copy it, replicate it or ask me to send you a copy of it.

If you aren’t a member of my Option 3 homeschool association, United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited….apologies beforehand.

But if you are a member for the 2018-2019 homeschooling year…..THEN ENJOY!!


Pertinent things you should have in your daily, weekly or monthly record keeping are:
*the date in which the school work or activity was completed

*what was actullay done

*specific notes around that work completed or activity done

*and the date it was done……oh yea….I did say that already. But it’s worth repeating because it’s important.

I can’t tell you how often I’ve received calls or emails from homeschooling parents who have fallen behind on this important part of ‘paper working’ for their homeschool.

If ever audited you want to be able to pull out all the child(ren) completed work for a quick look through of actual proof of studies

Never the less… sure to get your hands on a record keeping format that will make your life easy. ((heart))

AND ENSURE you do what is required under the South Carolina Option 3 law.

Homeschooling Life is sweet when you can stay on top of your record keeping……

Effortlessly! Whew chile’. :p

If you have questions just let me know.

(Be sure to share this post with your homeschooling friends, social media platforms and foes. They just may need to know this information to help their homeschool daily reporting go smoothly.)

Angela UCHU website pic

Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 26 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, mentor, entrepreneur, host of Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling show, podcast host of Girlfriends Chat, founder/Executive Director of Educating Our Own, founder/director of STEAM Co-Op of the Upstate, Mocha Homeschooling Moms-SC founder, owner/director/administrator of United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited Option 3 Accountability Association, direct marketer, mad’am farmer,  Toastmasters Competent Communicator recipient, racial injustice activist.  Angela and her family make their homestead in Campobello, SC.