I occasionally have the privilege of sitting in on standard classes (I am in school working on an education degree) and while in the classes I often see quotes hanging in the classrooms or in the hallways. Quotes are also used during lessons and students would even share some with me. This got me thinking.

What quotes stand out to my own kids?
I remember being in school and hearing so many quotes but my favorites were by Albert Einstien. One such quote stated, “Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” As a child,
I typically did very well academically but I never did it in a way that I was “supposed” to so I would be corrected on it. Their way just did not work for me, my way worked wonderfully, how could it be wrong?? Turns out it wasn’t. The quote helped me push through until I could grow up enough to really understand.
My daughter’s favorite quote
My daughter is an avid book reader. She is either stuck in a book cuddled up somewhere or outside running, climbing, or riding her bike. When she goes to the library her average book count is 8 and these books tend to be 400-500 pages long. She Loves books. So when I asked her what her favorite quote was, her answer was very fitting. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” When choosing books, she has her own little process. She reads the title, looks at the front and back cover, reads the inner cover and then starts the first chapter. She really investigates a book before she puts it in her bag. This carries over to other parts of her life too. She can see different things in people that I miss sometimes.
I struggle with social anxiety sometimes but it is something I strive to keep under control so my kids do not learn the behavior. Because of my struggle, I miss things in people, like the man who was sitting by a Chick-fil-a next to a hotel one afternoon. He was staying at the hotel and was out sitting with his puppy. I didn’t pay him any mind, we were going to get lunch and get shopping done and I figured he was out letting his puppy play. Erica said we should say hi. I looked at her, looked at him and looked back at her to ask, why do you say that? “I think he’s sad mom.” We ended up sitting with him and talking with him for a good hour and a half. Yes, he was sad and discouraged and feeling alone. By the time we moved on, he was smiling. We didn’t fix any problems but he no longer felt alone. She saw something I didn’t and wanted to investigate to make sure she understood and we ended up helping a young man, one that I would have walked right by.
My older boy’s favorite quote
My big boy is a bit of a history buff. He loves history and off-and-on focuses on pirates. He is about to turn 13 and so the books he has started asking to read have been more non-fiction history books written for adults. For Christmas, he received a large book called The Republic of Pirates. During his readings, he has decided his favorite pirate is Captain Kidd and that is who the quote is from. He is quoted saying that he would rather his “soul broil… than (he) do harm.” The Captain was apparently well known for his care and keep of those around him and his willingness to steal ships from those who were doing harm to others. This has me very intrigued and wondering if maybe I should learn more about this Captain too.
I hope to use this quote to help my boy work on his temper. Being just about 13, he has certainly started to deal with some of the struggles young men face with controlling tempers and he can retaliate quickly against any perceived wrong. (Isn’t raising teens fun!) My boy can have some great and wonderful ideas but it is such a challenge right now trying to work with him because he becomes so worked up so easily. Using Captain Kidd as an example on how to take the time to think, to plan, and then to execute a plan to protect all those around while still stating that something is wrong could be a game-changer for him.
My exuberant Knight and his quote
My youngest. My little shortstop. My little man <3 He has such a heart and can feel things so deeply. Every year we do something on Martin Luther King Jr but this year, my youngest really seemed to understand at a deeper level just what MLK jr was fighting for. This year for our MLK jr study we made a lap book that looked into the various parts of his life, the various conflicts he voiced his opinion on, his speeches, and his death. His ever famous “I have a dream” speech really spoke to my little man. His favorite quote was, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged.” He is 10 so his ability to remember the whole sentence is difficult but he understood the point. The part where MLK jr said that “little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers” also really stuck out to him.
My little man, being a deep feeler, loves everyone. Everyone gets a hug or a high five. Everyone is invited to play. Everyone is awesome in his eyes but in their own unique ways. He loves how everyone is different and loves to show kindness to all. The thought that there was a time (and honestly still are people/ places) in America where you were not allowed to be friends with others simply because they looked different, breaks his heart. My little man will play with kids in wheelchairs, special needs, girls, boys, young, old, grumpy or happy. He is a joyful child and wants others to be joyful. He is a loving child and wants to show others that they are loved.
When I asked my kids what their favorite quotes were, I was not expecting such deep thinking responses. I should have. My kiddos are growing up and the things I have been teaching them are starting to be reflected back not only to me but to the world around them. Quotes are something that we don’t realize have a profound effect on us but they are things that help us grow and look at the world around us, urging us to see how we can make it better. I personally am going to give quotes more thought.
What quotes speak to you and how do they affect your life?

Greetings! My name is Joy and I am currently a stay at home mom who is homeschooling her three kids in South Carolina. I love learning and I love sharing the love of learning with others so getting to home school my kids and watch the “ah-ha” moments when they understand something is unbelievably rewarding. I have been homeschooling since my twins were preschool age so we are going on 8 years now. I am also a military spouse so we have the added joy of being a military family with some of the complications that come with it. As a family, we stay busy with our scouting groups, American Heritage Girls and TrailLife, and we do many camping and hiking trips with them. When I have downtime, I am typically reading books I have sitting around the house, on YouTube/websites getting more information on different home school programs or working on plans for homeschool. I look forward to being able to share our experiences with everyone and help encourage all homeschooling families.