If you EVER had the wonderful experience (using wonderful very loosely) to find the beautiful, artistic and creativeness of black PERMANENT marker on your walls, mirrors, school books, vehicle, sofa, various articles of clothing that you paid money for or even ON YOUR CHILDREN………
Then you WILL appreciate this week’s Messy Monday post.
You see, this is such an important post of information BECAUSE being homeschoolers we probably have had *little ones* around….a time or two. ;P
And sometimes the two don’t marry well……
in certain circumstances.
So just in case you need to know how to handle this:

May we never have the *pleasure* ( I use *pleasure* loosely) of having to utilize the above list. 🙂
But just in case we do…………just smile and sing *Oh my. Oh my. Oh my.*
Find the above list and get to work.
Keep moving on. 🙂
To your black marker success.
Angela 🙂