This month I will be talking all about gardening. The days are getting longer, and Spring will soon be here. It’s time to start thinking about and planting our gardens.
I’m not an expert gardener by any means. I am learning so much as I go along though. I previously thought you just put a seed in the ground and it grew lots of fruit. Now I realize I was so wrong. There are things that I’m learning will make the difference between a good harvest and no harvest.

There are many aspects of gardening that are important. One of those is soil. We think soil is just dirt that we walk on. You stick a seed in it and it grows. Right? Not exactly.
Our soil is a complex biome filled with life. It’s one of things that often gets overlooked when we think of growing food. However, in order to get the best yield, you have to make sure you have the best soil available.
I practice a style of gardening called Back to Eden. It’s a style of gardening that mimics nature in the way that the soil is covered, nourished, and protected. We know that soil that is constantly tilled and left uncovered becomes infertile and lifeless. We use nature, and how it covers the ground with decomposing leaves, as an example of how to create great soil.
You can use anything to cover your soil. The best options are organic material that can break down and add nutrients to the soil. I like to use wood chips or straw. They help retain moisture and feed the soil.
The seasons change, leaves fall, and things live and die in nature. These things fall to the ground to cover and nourish the soil. The soil in turn will produce a bounty of nutritious and delicious food for you and your family.
Naja Coles
I’m most importantly a follower of Christ by who’s blood we believe there is salvation. We believe in biblical Truth only. Being led by the Spirit of God, we seek to raise our family by that Truth. I am a wife of 7 years, and mom to 8 wonderful children ages 6 years-11 months. We have been homeschooling for 2 years officially (6 if you include preschool). I enjoy music, gardening, and learning to live a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle.
Matthew 4:17