I too am a homeschooling parent of 22-years to eight children as well as an Option 3 homeschool association owner/director of United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited.
Currently, there are only four children that are still being homeschooled. The older four each graduated from homeschool.
Google classroom is our method of homeschooling, documentation and instruction for our homeschool day.
The following subjects are not done every day. No more than FOUR subjects a day.
Each day I load into google clasroom whay needs to be done. Ask questions based on the work they need to do.
They complete the work and post their work in a google docs in google classroom. Some work is completed in consumable books.
I look it over.
We have discussion as needed.
Give clarification as needed.
Complete weekly spelling test.
Weekly math lessons all on one day (4). Then they complete the math throughout the week.
I give a grade of 100 if the work is complete according to instructions. (No failing grades).

Documents are in google classroom.
I can post videos for them to watch.
Have discussion back and forth.
Receive notifications to my phone each time work is complete.
It has been a great set-up for the past four years.
This year’s subjects of study for my 10th grader, 2-8th graders and 6th grader are:
1st semester
Spanish (all)
Reading (6th grader)
Spelling (all)
Macroeconomics (Khan Academy)
Biology (Khan Academy)
Earth Science (6th grader)
Geography (all)
Life-skills (Khan Academy)
Weekly self critique (all)
2nd semester
Algebra 1
Math 6
Spanish (all)
Ghana cuisine (all)
Ghana history (all)
Computer programming (all)
Spelling (all)
Weekly self-critique (all)
Hands-on trade (Ghana) (all)
Macroeconomics (Khan Academy)
My 8th graders are doing the same work as my 10th grader. The 8th graders receive honors credit for doing high school work in SC and they are challenged. The 6th grader does a few of the same subjects as the others.
This method works perfectly for me and for our lives.
Find out what works for your family and work it until you need to change it. 😊
Begin your homeschooling journey.
Continue your homeschool journey.
Learn more here:
Schedule a phone chat with me from my virtual calendar as needed:
Share this post as you never know who may just need to know this information.
Peace and many blessings,
Angela Fafali Nyarko,
United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited owner/director
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Serving you and yours!
peace and Many Blessings,