Homeschooling is not all fun, games hugs and smiles.
Some days it is stressful, chaotic, frustrating and hard.

As humans we ALL have those days in life. In general.
In homeschooling when days are not the AWESOMENESS THAT YOU DREAMED IT WOULD BE……
Guess what?
Stop. Reassess. Take a breather. Change the schedule. Go have fun.
Stressful days can be due to so many factors.
Lack of sleep.
Working parent(s).
Nursing a baby/Baby schedule.
Not understanding the school work.
Unmotivated children.
Arguing siblings.
Rambunctious toddler.
Imperct fit of curriculum.
Lack of patience. 😜
The beauty of homeschooling is that you get to change the schedule, take a day off, try a different curriculum, do something different.
Basically make adjustments as needed.
Talking with me, your homeschool director to brainstorm other schedules for schooling.
Hire a homeschool coach.
So many options for support and help.
Don’t allow the fear of any of the above mentioned ‘stressors’ stop you from venturing into homeschooling or from staying on the homeschool course.
Option 3 provides a lot of freedom in homeschooling in South Carolina.
Give yourself and your children the beautiful gift of home education.
The freedom to ‘live life’ and grow together.
You Can Do It!
Homeschool strong.
Learn more at
Begin your homeschooling journey today.
Register for legal homeschooling status under Option 3 – SC Homeschool law Section 59-65-47.
Share this post with a friend as you never know who needs these insights and encouragement.
Serving You and Yours,
Angela Fafali Nyarko, owner/director