One of my Option 3 members are homeschooling ON THE ROAD.
Read their story.

We’re Nia, Randy, Roman, Reese, and River Wiley. We’re @wileykoyotes on instagram and Facebook.
Nov 2021 we essentially sold it all and hit the road with zero camping and towing experience. We knew we were setting out on an experience of a lifetime and it’s been just that. We’ve spent the last 10 months exploring 8 states from South Carolina to New York. We’ve created many amazing family memories. And we’ve learned things we didn’t think we’d ever know. And you know what? We wouldn’t change a thing.
Naturally being minorities we initially were hesitant, along with our family members. But we’re happy to say that the RV community, for the most part, has been welcoming. We have no regrets and we have 42 states to go. We’re currently heading South for the holidays with plans to escape bizarre winter temperatures for the winter.
Our family mission is to inspire other families to create strong family bonds and prioritize happy, unforgettable moments. And while we’re grateful for being able to do it on the road, we want that for families regardless of their living lifestyle.
The majority of full-time RV families started out with a certain amount of time to be on the road only to end up going much later than intended. So we haven’t put a time limit on our journey. We really just want to explore the country and see if any places steal our souls. If not, we’ll visit all 50 states with plans to start visiting other countries.
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Serving You and Yours,
Angela Fafali Nyarko