Tuesdays Teach Them This: Parts of Speech
How many of you think this will come in handy if you Teach Them This information? Serving You and Yours, Angela Perry
How many of you think this will come in handy if you Teach Them This information? Serving You and Yours, Angela Perry
Double Doodle…….. Who knew? I never heard of it before but it sure does look interesting enough to try and teach my children to do this. When I was young my Dad was *unique* (that’s a good word to use for it.)Â But he would make me do *unique* things like……… Say my alphabets backwards …
Tuesday Teach Them This: Double Doodle (Fun Activity) Read More »
Oh my!! Do any of you need this blog post to implement with your children? If this prove to be effective for you then please do share and let me know. How to Teach Your Child to Clean Any Room in 10 minutes Without A Blow Torch I pray this blog encourages you and provide …
Teach them this Tuesday: Bedroom Cleaning in 10 minutes Read More »
This video says it all Click the below link…….. AND share!!! It is amazing. 🙂 Anti-Bullying Song Serving You and Yours, Angela Perry
We, parents, know well that education is MORE than just learning and memorizing facts. Right? We have done that for years probably and know the end result……….. Forgetting the information. Storing it temporarily in our minds, only not to even remember what we learned. We learned facts. Or should I say, “temporarily” learned facts. But when one …
As the homeschooling year is starting for many of us we know all to well how many of our children can tend to underestimate their ability to LEARN. To succeed. To triumph. To excel. To just do well! As parents, we encouragingly tell them and reassure them that….. They can! They will! They shall! It …
Tuesday’s Teach them this……. “You Can Learn Anything” (video) Read More »
“Stand still my happy heart. Stand still.” Today’s post is something that’s becoming nearer and dearer to me. The simplicity, basic-ness yet necessity of teaching our children LIFE SKILLS! I can not began to tell you of the stories I hear continually of *now Moms* who were never taught to run a home, budget money …
Tuesday’s Teach them This: Homeschooling the Life Skills Read More »
Einstein stated the following: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Questions: *To what level do you allow your children to permit their imagination to flourish in their daily homeschooling? *What …
Tuesday’s Teach Them This: Imagination vs. Knowledge Read More »
In the home where students are constantly asking questions and wondering about things is a home where children are free and welcomed to learn. I will admit that I have become the homeschool Mom that gives children their books filled with work to complete without giving them the opportunity to think outside of the box …
Scripture teaches us clearly that without a vision the people perish. Proverbs 29:18a (KJV) The question is then how do you encourage your children to have a vision? Not just any vision. But a *God vision* for their lives? For their home educating? For their future? I will say that I am smack dab in …