As of recent I have spoken with numerous moms who are either ‘thinking’ about homeschooling or are ‘just beginning’ to homeschool for the coming school year.
I would like to share a few things with you as you prepare for the journey.
These are my thoughts and ideas and there are ‘many ways to skin a cat’ as my grandmother use to say.
So please know that these are just my suggestions. Someone else may tell you something completely different and it works perfect for them. Finally, you may make your own decision after reading these suggestions and come up with a plan of action that works perfectly for you.
1. Trust God.
Many moms have told me that they are ‘feeling’ or ‘sensing’ from the Lord that they should homeschool their children but they are scared out of their minds to begin to do so.
1 Thessolonians 5:21
“Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.”
This Scripture is talking about Him preserving you until the day of Jesus Christ’s return as He has called you/us to follow Him. But if He will preserve us and complete the work He has called us to as it pertain to salvation certainly He will bring to pass to a complete fulfillment His call upon us to homeschool?
2. Join an accountability association.
Per Option 3 homeschooling law, all homeschoolers must be apart of an accountability association.
UCHU has it’s own association that is UCHU-AA.
3. Get connected with an homeschool email support group or a homeschool support group that meets regularly.
Connecting with others is a great start as we often need moral support. Being apart of an email support group allows you to be in the know. Connect with other like minded people.
UCHU – email support group is already established with over 400 families connected to it. Our premise is that of being Christians/Followers of Christ who homeschool our children – teaching them all the day long. Go to the link to learn more about us.
4. Choose curriculum.
You can find help in choosing curriculum by speaking with the director of your accountability association.
You can find help in choosing curriculum by asking those connected with your email support group.
You can find help in choosing curriculum by going to local homeschool book stores, attending a homeschool conference in your area or by researching online.
5. Get your life organized.
Being a full-time mom and maybe wife, and full-time keeper of your home, full-time chauffeur, full-time cook, full-time grocery shopping…etc. (you get the idea), well you are really going to need to be organized.
*Plan your weekly menu
*Plan your chore list for your children
Example of a pet chore list:
*Plan the hour to hour events of the day
to include when you will have your quite time/devotions, when will your children have their quite time/devotions, family worship time (prayer and Scripture reading)
*Plan your daily schedule
Monday through Sunday what will you be doing each day
*Plan your deep house cleaning day
Which day will you focus on cleaning thoroughly although you will pick-up daily throughout the house
*Plan what days of the week will be great outing days.
i.e. library visits, field trips, park days etc.
*Plan which day will be your grocery shopping day
*Plan laundry days
*Plan your lesson plans for the year, semester or month (which ever works for you).
Now grant-it, you may not be a natural planner and may even hate doing that type of stuff. Or you may be one who thrives on organization and enjoy it immensely.
Realize that if you don’t plan every aspect of your day while homeschooling, you will quickly find that you feel overwhelmed and to much to do and no time to get it done.
If you don’t plan for success then you have planned to thrive well.
Not thriving well in your homeschooling does not have to be an option if you plan well and commit it all to the Lord in prayer and for His guidance.
Also, note that as life changes your plans and schedule will need to adjust accordingly.
If you are one that tends to lean closely to legalism then I want to encourage you NOT TO DO THAT. Give yourself grace to live life and make changes as each day unfolds.
If you are one that tends to lean heavily in grace then I want to encourage you that some type of structure of life is good too.
BALANCE is key.
We make our plans but it’s the Lord who causes them to come to pass. And low and behold, HE may have different plans for you and your homeschooling family from day to day or hour to hour. 🙂
Proverbs 19:21
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”
Psalms 37:5
“Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.”
Just remember that there are too many resources available now for you not to succeed at homeschooling your children.
I firmly believe that with prayer, planning, community with other homeschooling Christian families and taking care of yourself and children by providing proper care via sleeping, eating and exercising will prove to be of great benefit for a homeschooling success.
To find a plethora of homeschooling helps to facilitate you having an organized homeschooling day visit
There you will find all sorts of forms, calendars etc. to help organize your day!
Questions? Let me know in the comment section.
Happy Homeschooling. 🙂