Hi All,
You will soon began to see A LOT of changes with UCHU as you have known it for the past 12 years.
As a member of UCHU for the past 10 years, I’ve seen the ebbs and flows of change within this group.
*Change of its name
*Change of its ownership
*Change of its mission and focus
*Change of its members
*Change of its service to members
And although many do not like change and others welcome change……this is a change that I feel needs to take place.
Here are the changes
*****UCHU Yahoo group will be dissolved and no longer in existence. A new and fresh wind, new focus and new service will take it’s place.******
UCHU’s mission is being revamped and recharged.
With social media changes and the continual newness – Yahoo groups are now at the bottom of the totem pole for usage and versatility.
More and More people are on facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snap chat, Google Hangouts, Instagram and the list goes on.
UCHU will evolve with these social media changes.
***With that said….UCHU Yahoo group page will be closed, not function and not exist as it normally has.****
A variety of UCHU Facebook groups will take this Yahoo Group’s place. If you aren’t on FB then you are welcome to continue to glean from the website at:
Pinterest at United Christian Homeschoolers Unlimited
Members of UCHU Accountability Association, UCHU STEAM Academy or UCHU Field Trip Club will have FREE access and membership to all of the below new and forming groups.
Another post will indicate the various FB pages and other groups.
Non members of the above mentioned groups will have a $10 yearly fee (July – July) which will allow them to all of the above mentioned fb groups.
As a NON-Member you can register using the tab that says, ”
There are so many homeschool groups that any non-members to the above mentioned UCHU will indeed find a home to connect with.
This stream lining will allow for smaller groups and greater attention.
Any questions can be forwarded to me.
Angela Jordan Perry 864.303.2236