UCHU’s Graduating Classes – 2K16!

Today was a beautiful day in UCHU’s history.

Our first Senior Graduation ceremony.

Our second Kindergarten Graduation ceremony.

We have more memories to make together UCHU families!

I would like to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every family that was apart of my accountability association this past year.

To you it may seem as if it was nothing major. You needed legal accountability to homeschool in SC and UCHU provided that.

To me it was the ability to minister, serve and provide a need in our homeschooling community. I am personally *answering a call.*

One where it allows me to be *connected* to my fellow homeschooling families.

One where it allows me to be *touchable* to the homeschooling families.

One where it allows me to be *relational* to my homeschooling families.

And as the Lord continues to enlarge the vision to me that HE has in mind for UCHU……then I’m grateful, honored and humbled to be apart of what He’s doing.

Here’s to many more years to come!



Serving You and Yours,

Angela Perry, UCHU Director/Administrator

2016 Kindergarten and Senior Graduations