‘Don’t make reading a punishment. Make it a coveted privilege.”
Change the narrative. Words. Formative thoughts. Hidden history. Enlightenment. Insights. Empathy. View points of others. And more…..can be found in a book.
More books our children have to glean from the more their eyes and insights are opened.
Be sure to get connected with your local library summer reading program. Or with Pizza Hut’s BookIt program. Or Chipotle’s reading incentive program.
Read. Read. Read!
Include a variety of books. Include a variety of books that highlight various ethnicities.
#UCHU #UnitedChristianHomeschoolersUnlimited #AngelaJordanPerry #Homeschooling #HomeschoolInSouthCarolina #HomeEducators #SouthCarolina #SouthCarolinaHomeschooling #HomeschoolInSC
Serving You and Yours,

Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 24 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, mentor, entrepreneur, Young Living direct marketer, mad’am farmer, homeschool Academy director, President of Women’s Empowerment Toastmaster-Greenville and follower of Jesus Christ. Angela and her family makes their home in Campobello, SC.