I decided to homeschool when my oldest son was in daycare, and he missed several days due to multiple illnessess. For example, asthma and seasonal allergies.My husband and I were spending a lot of money on daycare for days that he could not attend, as a result, we saw a red flag to how his early childhood education experience may not be benefical.
While I was working on my Masters degree in Education and waiting the arrival of our second son, my husband and I made the discussion of homeschooling because of the positive impact I could have utilizing my education for our children.
My knowledge and skills in education are applied to effectively adapt the curriculum to my son’s learning styles.

For example, the oldest is more visual with his learning and the youngest requires a more hands on approach. I could not pass up this opportunity to educate my own.
I enjoy educating my sons, I may have said this before in my previous blog “The Flexible Homeschooler” I can decide what
subjects I will teach and what subjects I will not. This is all true, the possibilties are endless, as long you follow the rules and guideline within your state (South Carolinians, Angela Jordan Perry and UCHU will be our road map) you have the ability to create a lifetime of memories that we can look back on in the future.
In addition, I have created a close relationship with my children where I can converse with them about anything, and they can do the same with me. Besides creating a close relationship, homeschooling allows me an opportunity to implement our family values and beliefs on a daily basis.
In addition, I can include life skills in my lessons to ensure that my sons’ have the ability to interact with the world successfully. For example, I include a life skills day in my lessons in which my children will complete the following task: cleaning, laundry, cooking, crafts, woodworking, etc. to ensure that my sons’ can be independent once they leave the home.
What are the reasons you decided to homeschool?
What are some benefits for homeschooling your child or children?
What are some challenges to homeschooling your child or children?
Have a great day!!!!
Live Life To The Fullest, You Deserve It!!!

My name is Denise. I am a wife and mother. I have been married for a total of 15 years to my best friend, handsome, and supportive husband Tim. Besides being a wife, I am the mother to two smart, fun, loving, and handsome boys Tyron and Tyson. I am the mother to two fur babies my Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) Ebony and Shaka Zulu. Along with being a wife and mother, I am a blogger. My website is www.deveghomemama.com. Along with being a blogger, I have a YouTube channel Deveghomemama and Facebook page Deveghomemama both are all about homeschooling, being plant based, and everyday life of a homeschool family. I have an online T-shirt business called Unlimited Custom Designs. To view my merchandise, here is the link https://www.deveghomemama.com/unlimited-custom-designs I have homeschooled for a total of eight years. I enjoy homeschooling, and I enjoy sharing my advice with others