Wednesdays Words of Encouragement: Apple Pie (Guest Blogger Elizabeth Doan)

apple pie Elizabeth Doan

When my son was about 7, I sent him next door with a big apple pie that I had made my brother in law as a thank you for fixing our reliable old car.  Apple pie is Uncle Joe’s most favorite thing in the whole wide world.  That pie was a thing of beauty, made with fresh apples that we’d picked at the orchard a few days prior.  I worked my tail off peeling, cutting, mixing, cooking… And the smell.  It smelled like fall yumminess! 

            I sent my sweet one up the hill with that pie.  I was so proud of that pie.  A few minutes later my sweet boy comes back to the door sobbing.  “I…I…I dropped the pie,” he blubbered.  Thinking that it surely couldn’t be that bad and maybe I may could save it, I marched up the hill with him to find my pie, and my dish, broken beyond repair.”  I wanted to scream.  I wanted my son to know how hard I had worked and for nothing.  I wanted to fuss.  Then I heard God whisper, “Grace. Give him grace.”  I took his sweet little boy self that was still sobbing and held him and told him that we all made mistakes.  That when I make mistakes, God gives me grace.  I told him that I was giving him that grace.  We picked up the pieces of pie and threw it in the woods for the animals and took what was left of my plate and threw it in the trash.  We went back to the house and made Uncle Joe some yummy cookies (I was out of apples).  He delivered them and didn’t drop one single cookie on his way up the driveway. 

            Raising my children, I have flunked A LOT of parenting tests.  I do have the one feel good moment though about the apple pie one and wanted to share it with you.  When my children mess up or when I mess up, I no longer hear, “Grace” being whispered to my heart and soul.  I hear, “Apple pie” and I know what he means.

   But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.    2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV


Elizabeth Doan's fam pic

Elizabeth Doan is married to her hubby David for 14 years.  Mother to four wonderful kiddos: Sam (10), Sarah (8), Evie Joy (4), and Sadie Rose (6 months).  Homeschooling Momma for 4 years with 17 years to go!   Elizabeth’s favorite quote in the whole wide world is: “Life is frittered away by details.  Simplify, simplify.”  -Henry David Thoreau