Since Covid 19 pandemic came into full force this past March 2020 a number of my families/members have experienced financial hardship. Not only financial hardship but several have endured major medical issues that interrupted their ability to work.
However, members of United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited (UCHU) has rose to the occasion to help and assist several families who has needed help with their membership fees for the coming homeschooling year.
According to the online definition of ‘community’ we learn that:
com·mu·ni·ty/kəˈmyo͞onədē/ noun
1.a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
Not only do I desire to have a homeschool Option 3 association in South Carolina but I desire to create A COMMUNITY.

A community where faith, race, gender, marital status, number
of children AND all the other things that our society separates us and teaches us to separate on would NOT be a factor that separates us within THIS homeschooling community.
As such, I desire to create a community where we assist each other, encourage each other, reach out to each other when members are in need.
In my April 2020 monthly newsletter when I introduced the idea to my current 2019-2020 members who are financially able and have a heart to assist families that are in financial hardship SEVERAL families rose to the occasion to help.
Families began to contact me saying, “Angela, I would like to assist a family with their membership fees for 2020-2021.”
As a result several families have been assisted.
This. Warms. My. Heart!!!
To the members of UCHU: Thank you for being apart of this community!!
To the members considering joining UCHU: You will be BLESSED to be apart of this community.
Yes, you will receive legal status under the auspices of United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited.
But you will also be part of a caring community who has unlimited abilities as we join to home educate our children wholeheartedly.
If you are a member of UCHU and have a need or need help – REACH OUT to this accountability association community.
We are hear to help, care for and serve YOU!
United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited **IS** COMMUNITY!!
Peace and Blessings!!!
Angela Jordan Perry
Angela Jordan Perry, is a homeschooling Mom of eight children for 20 years, mentor, entrepreneur, host of Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry YouTube show, podcast/host of Girlfriends Chat with Angela Jordan Perry, founder/Executive Director of Educating Our Own, Mocha Homeschooling Moms-SC co-founder, owner/director/administrator of United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited Option 3 Accountability Association, founder of The Homeschool Upstart; host/found The Homeschool Upstart Podcast; direct marketer, Toastmasters Competent Communicator recipient, racial injustice activist. Angela and her family make their homestead in Campobello, SC. Angela’s purpose driven life is to make a positive impact on 1,000s of homeschoolers worldwide.