United Christian Homeschoolers of the Upstate – Accountability Association

Hi and welcome to UCHUpstate.com.
I’m Angela P.,  the owner/moderator for UCHU (United Christian Homeschoolers of the Upstate.) with a bit over 400 families in membership. Woohoo!!
For the coming 2014-2015 homeschool year I am in the process of spearheading a new homeschool accountability association for our homeschooling community that homeschool under Option 3.United Christian Homeschool of the Upstate-Accountability Association (UCHU-AA) seeks to work alongside the already established accountability associations to continue providing accountability for those families under Option 3.
For the most part, majority of the upstate accountability associations are united in this mind-set of providing affordable, quality, professional services and assistance to the homeschooling community.
UCHU-AA desires to do this with Christ’s heartbeat, with a labor of love and with knowledge of the homeschooling requirements in our state. Registration opened last week and things look favorable towards us reaching the required minimum 50 families to be in compliance with Option 3 legislature.
Go to the tab for Accountability Association to learn more!!
The normal yearly family membership with UCHU-AA is just $10.
Please visit us the above website to learn more about UCHU-AA. Read thoroughly the FAQs and prayerfully consider if UCHU-AA is a good option 3 accountability association for your family.
If you feel loyal to any of my sister accountability associations in the area, please remain loyal to them.
 But do consider spreading the word to new homeschooling families and those that are desiring another
accountability association to provide Option 3 services for them. 🙂
Thank you!!