This year’s student bake-off competition once again was a HUGE success. We had 22 students (YOUR CHILDREN) that participated in seven categories. One new category this year was Diabetic baked goods.
The FIRST PLACE winners within each of these categories received their 1st place ribbon and cash prize! There was a $2 entry fee per item each student entered.
Second and Third place winners also received a ribbon.
All students that did not place 1st, 2nd or 3rd place received a participation ribbon.
All items were to be made by the children and no help given by the parents.
All items were to be made fresh and from scratch except for crust for pies.

Each category was judged on:
Creativity/Originality (1-5 point scale)
Appearance/Presentation (1-5 point scale)
Taste (1-5 point scale)
#1 Preston Foster
#2 Natalie Vokshchuk
#3 Leia Voloschuk
Cheese Cake
#1 Noelani Perry
#2 Caroline Wheat
#3 Caitlyn Wheat
#1 Keegahn Brown
#2 Bobbie Snyder
#1 Noelani Perry (tied)
#1 Tekoa Perry (tied)
#2 Keegahn Brown
#3 Jonathan Brantley
#1 Matthew Wheat
#2 Abby Zimmerman
#1 Bobbi Snyder
#2 Abby Zimmerman
#1 Abby Zimmerman (tied)
#1 Tekoa Perry (tied)
Diabetic baked items
#1 Abby Zimmerman (pie)
#2 Matthew Wheat (cheese cake)
#3 Angelica Trivol (cake)
Abby Zimmerman (brownies)
In order to have this wonderful opportunity for our children each year I would appreciate your feed back to what we can do to make this for a better bake-off next year.
I will share pics once my daughter gets home with her camera. 🙂
GET PREPARED BECAUSE UCHU’S PSUEDO *CHOPPED* IS COMING IN APRIL!!!! This will be televised like a TV series. So began practicing with unique and weird items to cook with. 🙂
If you aren’t familiar with chopped here’s a clip from the TV show.