**UCHU 3rd-6th grade Intro Beginning Spanish ***
This coming year UCHU will be offering Beginners Intro to Spanish virtual classes for your 3rd-6th grade students.
Many of you don’t know that I am fluent in Spanish.
I have taught Spanish for seven years on a collegiate level pace up until three years ago.
I lived on the economy in southern Spain for 3-years, was a member of a Spanish music band where I was the co-lead singer with my husband. We traveled all over Southern Spain performing.

Served as a translator for my Spanish church in
A missionary to and lived for a short time in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
And for 7-years I taught homeschoolers in SC Spanish I and II privately and in various homeschool co-ops.
This fall I will be offering, for the first time ever, Beginners Intro to Spanish virtual classes.
This opportunity is available for students of members of UCHU and for non-UCHU members. UCHU Members will have first seating opportunity in the class.
Details are:
*Registration will be on the UCHU application for members
*Classes will begin August 28, 2020
*Classes will be Friday mornings.
*Course is for 3rd-6th grade students.
*Course will be year long and in a group setting
*Computer/internet will be needed with Zoom option.
*Classes will be ONCE a week.
*30 total group classes.
$160 per semester ($320 a year) or 4 – $40 a month for UCHU MEMBERS (per family)
$175 per semester ($350). 4 -$43.75 a month. for NON UCHU MEMBERS (per family)
UCHU MEMBERS will have first seating.
Minimum class size is 6. Maximum class size is 16.
UCHU Members apply on the membership application.
Once registered I will inform you of the curriculum we will be using.
***Non-UCHU members may register for the class for their children.
***First seating is available for UCHU Members first
Serving You and Yours,
Angela Jordan Perry, UCHU owner/adminIstrator/director