This coming year UCHU will be offering HONORS Spanish I virtual classes for your students.
Many of you don’t know that I am fluent in Spanish.
I have taught Spanish for seven years on a collegiate level pace up until three years ago.
I lived on the economy in southern Spain for 3-years, was a member of a Spanish music band where I was the co-lead singer with my husband. We traveled all over Southern Spain performing.
Served as a translator for my Spanish church in
A missionary to and lived for a short time in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
And for 7-years I taught homeschoolers in SC Spanish I and II privately and various co-ops.
This fall I will be offering the first time ever UCHU HONORS SPANISH 1 virtual class.
This opportunity is available for students of members of UCHU and for non-UCHU members. Members will have first seating opportunity in the class.
Details are:
*Registration will be on the UCHU application for members
*Classes will begin August 25, 2020
*Classes will be Tuesdays and Friday mornings.
*Course is for 7th-12th grade students.
*Course will be year long and in a group setting
*Computer/internet will be needed with Zoom option.
*Classes will be TWICE a week.
*This will be an HONORS credit class..
*60 total group classes.
$175 per semester or 4 – $43.75 a month for UCHU MEMBERS
$225 per semester. 4 -$56.25 a month. for NON UCHU MEMBERS
UCHU MEMBERS will have first seating.
Minimum class size is 6. Maximum class size is 16.
Once registered I will inform you of the curriculum we will be using.
***Non-UCHU members may register for the class for their children.
***First seating is available for UCHU Members first
***Out of state students may also join the class
A separate application will be available for their registration.
Get them in touch with me.
Serving You and Yours,
Angela Jordan Perry, UCHU owner/adminIstrator/director