Like you, my family and I are in the house.
These last few days have been so beautiful that we’ve spent a lot of time outside.
As the owner/administrator/director of this Option 3 Accountability Association – United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited I want to send you EACH well wishes!!
I pray you each are in good health, free from fear, enjoying peace and enjoying each day of life!
Also, the reality of less income or no income during this time is real for many of us too.
We gather and pray.
As we homeschool our children we ……..

aren’t majorly impacted by the Governor of South Carolina’s decision to close public schools until the end of April 2020. We are all just moving along doing what we’ve been doing all year thus far.
Homeschooling. Educating Our Own!
My homeschool association IS impacted by the governor’s decision in that we can not meet/or have gatherings thus this years kindergarten and high school graduations will be cancelled unfortunately.
However, if you know of any homeschooling families that are struggling with this new ‘forced adventure’ of homeschooling please pass on my contact information to them. This may be a blessing in disguise for them because maybe they were considering homeschooling anyways.
My email:
Schedule an appointment at:
Maybe this is a thorn in their flesh and they need to talk all of this out with someone.
Either way…..
I am available to assist as needed.
You are stay well. Be safe. Stay in the house. Keep homeschooling strong!!
Serving you and Yours,
Angela Jordan Perry,

Angela Jordan Perry, homeschooling Mom of eight children, mentor, entrepreneur, host of Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry show, podcast/host of Girlfriends Chat with Angela Jordan Perry, founder/Executive Director of Educating Our Own, Mocha Homeschooling Moms-SC co-founder, owner/director/administrator of United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited Option 3 Accountability Association, founder of The Homeschool Upstart; host/found The Homeschool Upstart Podcast; direct marketer, mad’am farmer, Toastmasters Competent Communicator recipient, racial injustice activist. Angela and her family make their homestead in Campobello, SC. Angela’s purpose driven life is to make a positive impact on 1,000s of homeschoolers worldwide.