Thought Provoking Thursday: Complaining or Ungrateful Children

I truly believe there is no great cure for complaining or ungratefulness THEN to see the conditions of others.

Our homeschooled children truly do have a blessed life of abundance.

Yet in their abundance, even if it is minimal, it is still more than many in the world may have.

This video struck something within me when I saw how the children of this video go on about the day of what they must do to *get an education.* Travel to school.

Our children have the wonderful opportunity to be home, taught by their parent(s), etc. etc.

I know the list is long.

However, how many of them STILL find something to complain about or be ungrateful for?

Well….perhaps this video will touch them in a personal and thought provoking way on this Thought Provoking Thursday!


Serving You and Yours,

Angela Perry, UCHU Director/Administrator