
What are some things that you did this Sunday?

Did you take a self-care day?

I am always talking about the importance of self-care, but I forget to take a few minutes or an hour to practice self-care.

It is very good for the mind, body, and soul to have some self-care time.

What does self-care look like for me?

            A self-care day is an opportunity for me to do whatever I would like.

For instance, if I want to sit outside on my patio and read a book. Guess what? I can.

If I decide to have a spa day or pamper day, I can.

If I want to work out, I can.

What are activities that I do on my self-care day?

            I sat outside on patio and read Game of Thrones until I finish the chapter. While I was outside, I took the opportunity to get away from everything. It was all about me and only me.

Self-care is a day; in which, you take time for yourself.

On this self-care day, please do not focus on the following tasks for at least an hour.

They are: laundry, meals, cleaning, and other tasks that take you away from your time.

The focus is something to help me to relax and exhale from the daily life stressors.

In my opinion, we all did a self-care day. It does not have to be an entire day, but it can be for one hour.

Self-care is very important.

What day will you schedule as your self-care day?

What are somethings that you will do?

Will you finally finish reading your favorite book?

Will you begin a new hobby or complete a new project?

My name is Denise. I am a wife and mother. I have homeschooled for a total of nine years. I enjoy homeschooling and sharing my advice with others. I have been married for a total of 15 years to my best friend, handsome, and supportive husband Tim. Besides being a wife, I am the mother to two smart, fun, loving, and handsome boys Tyron and Tyson. I am the mother to two fur babies my Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) Ebony and Shaka Zulu. Along with being a wife and mother, I am a blogger and entrepreneur. My blog website is , and it is all about homeschooling, being plant based, and everyday life of a homeschool family. In addition, I have an online business called Deveghomemama Unlimited Custom Designs where I sell custom and handcrafted merchandise. If you would like to view my merchandise, here is the link If you would like to follow me on my social media outlet, they are Facebook and Instagram: Deveghomemama Facebook Business: Deveghomemama Unlimited Custom Designs. Recently, I opened an Etsy Store titled DeveghomemamaUCD where I sell handcrafted jewelry, natural bath and body gift baskets, wax melts, and apparel. Here is the direct link: