Racist Homeschooling: “I Don’t Even Care.” Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry

Are you racist and homeschooling?

So…are you a ‘Racist Homeschooler?”

Ahhhh…..hard topic, right?

I just jumped right in there and put it out there……..Just. Like. That.

To make sure that we are on the same page regarding the definition of ‘racist’ let me explain where I’m coming from regarding ‘racist’ or ‘racism.’

Racism is the idea of being superior over another race/or group of people.

Also, racism is NOT having a desire to or purpose to be in community with other races beside your own.

When we moved to South Carolina 2005 we were smacked right dab in the race divide with racist homeschoolers.

We’ve grown through it as a *brown skin* family while homeschooling in SC.

We just kept doing what we needed to do.

Just kept moving but talked about it at length when we were in the privacy of our home.

Needless to say, 12 years later living in South Carolina and homeschooling here in South Carolina while some relationships outside of our race have been made in our homeschooling journey……but much *tolerance* has been the case instead of true connection and joining together.

For years now we’ve just *moved on* through all of the discomforts of this topic and situation as we homeschool.

How many of you are enduring the same?

If this topic of discussion hits a nerve….a nerve that it bothering you….then you may need to soberly think about this subject.

If you understand where I’m coming from ……then hang around and let’s talk about ‘racist homeschooling’ openly.

You’ve not talked about it. Nor have you had a comfortable or safe place to discuss this.

Now you do!

Well….we are going to discuss this topic over the next several posts with Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling on FB live videos and on the YouTube channel for Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling.

Here’s the introduction of this topic!!

Expect to see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and even Part 4 on this subject. 🙂

Share your thoughts, comments, concerns etc.

(Share on your social media pages. This may be *just* the topic your homeschooling friends, family or others. Ha! need to see.)

Serving You and Yours,


Angela Jordan Perry, is a wife of 24 years, homeschooling Mom of eight children, mentor, entrepreneur, Young Living direct marketer, mad’am farmer, homeschool Academy director, President of Women’s Empowerment Toastmaster-Greenville and follower of Jesus Christ. Angela and her family makes their home in Campobello, SC.