For the past year UCHU has hosted TWO homeschooling Mommas who sought to encourage you, enlighten you and share a little of their lives with you through their weekly blogging.
This year we say ‘farewell’ to Naja as she is expecting her 8th little one.
To join the UCHU blogger team with Joy is Denise Linder. Meet Denise Linder and Meet again Joy.
Please welcome Denise Linder!!
Hello everyone!! My name is Denise and am a member of UCHU for two-years. I am a wife and mother. I have been married for a total of 15 years to my best friend and supportive husband Tim. Besides being a wife I am the mother to two smart, fun, loving, and handsome boys, Tyron and Tyson. I am the mother to two fur babies my Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) Ebony and Shaka Zulu. Along with being a wife and mother, I am a blogger. My blog website is where I discuss a variety of topics
from homeschooling, living a plant based lifestyle, and everyday life of a homeschool family.
Besides having a blog, I have a YouTube channel and Facebook page named Deveghomemama
which collaborates with my blog. I hope that everyone remains safe during this pandemic. Have
a great day!!

Greetings! My name is Joy and have been a member with UCHU since 2015. Currently I am a stay at home mom who is homeschooling my three kids here in South Carolina. I love learning and I love sharing the love of learning with others. Getting to home school my kids and watch the “ah-ha” moments when they understand something is unbelievably rewarding. I have been homeschooling since my twins were preschool age. We are going on nine years now. I am also a military spouse which has brought the added joy of being a military family with some of the complications that come with it. As a family, we stay busy with our scouting groups, American Heritage Girls, TrailLife, and we do many camping and hiking trips with them. When I have downtime, I typically am reading books that I have sitting around the house, or am on YouTube/websites getting more information on different home school programs, or working on plans for homeschool. I look forward to being able to share our experiences with everyone and help encourage all homeschooling families.
Serving You and Yours,
Angela Jordan Perry

Angela Jordan Perry, is a homeschooling Mom of eight children for 20 years, mentor, entrepreneur, host of Girlfriends’ Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry YouTube show, podcast/host of Girlfriends Chat with Angela Jordan Perry, founder/Executive Director of Educating Our Own, Mocha Homeschooling Moms-SC co-founder, owner/director/administrator of United Community of Homeschoolers Unlimited Option 3 Accountability Association, founder of The Homeschool Upstart; host/found The Homeschool Upstart Podcast; direct marketer, Toastmasters Competent Communicator recipient, racial injustice activist. Angela and her family make their homestead in Campobello, SC. Angela’s purpose driven life is to make a positive impact on 1,000s of homeschoolers worldwide.