Midlands Homeschool Convention

Many of you may not be aware of this but there is a homeschooling convention coming up the end of this month!

It appears to have some pretty good teachers and a good line-up of workshops.

I’m going to try and make it to at least one of these days. Let me know if you will plan to attend. If so we can meet-up for lunch or a decaf coffee. 🙂

Dates are: Thursday, July 24, Friday, July 25 and Saturday,July 26, 2014. 

Cost: $60 a family, $40 an individual (children can attend free)

Held at the Columbia Convention Center.


Conventions are great to help provide encouragement for the homeschooling journey; direction for curriculum to choose; insights on how to homeschool better and more effectively; ‘wind for your sails’; an opportunity to connect with like-minded homeschooling families; ability to pick-up and look through curriculum that is out there.

Hope you decide to take a road trip with some other homeschooling moms or your hubby or just a treat for yourself for a great weekend away to prepare for the upcoming homeschooling year. 🙂