Homeschool Moms and Dads, if you are wondering if all your hard work it fruitless?
If for all your hard work nothing is being gained?
Well here is some encouragement for your hard work for those (at least) 180 days of schooling your children. 🙂
Being with them 24/7.
Dealing with all the work.
Discipline. And Hard times.
“With fall quickly approaching, many schools are in session again. Perhaps in some homes, school never stops. It is estimated that approximately 2.2 million children in the United States are homeschooled. When thinking of homeschool the common question is asked whether the education is as good as public school. Studies are reporting amazing evidence to support those parents who labor to teach their children within the home.” ~Lynn Griffith
Then read more………. (Click on the blue lettering below which will take you to the actual web link)
~Angela P.