Here I go!!! Florida Home Educators Association Special Needs Conference

As a board member of SCHEA (South Carolina Home Educators Association) and Assistant Director of Upstate Special Needs Homeschoolers of South Carolina, I am honored and privileged to represent both organizations and special needs homeschoolers of South Carolina at Florida Home Educators Association’s Special Needs Conference in Orlando.

SCHEA, UCHU and Upstate Special Needs Homeschoolers of South Carolina along with help from SCHAIS plan to host a state wide special needs conference in March 2015 for South Carolina.

This is a great opportunity to learn a lot, gather lots of resources for our homeschooling special needs families and students as well as glean as much information as possible as we prepare and plan for SC’s Special Needs Conference.

I appreciate prayers on all sides. 🙂

Florida Special Needs conference