Happy Father’s Day!!!!

Happy Father’s Day!!!!

Today is a day that we celebrate all fathers in our lives from the biological, adopted, stepfather, granddad, uncle, brother. If you are a father no matter what title you hold, I wish you all a Happy Father’s Day!!!

Why are Father’s important? Or Why are Dad’s important?

My Dad is important to me because he is a symbol of my first love. He is the man who taught me how to treat, to care for, and to love others unconditionally. There is no one that I know who does not enjoy helping or conversing with my Dad. When you mention my Dad’s name throughout the community where I had grown up, he is well known for helping others when they need a job or a little money to make it through the tough times. As a result, I inherited similar characteristics known as a “people pleaser”.

He is a self-taught carpenter, and he loves his family. My Dad and Mom are divorced, but we still have heart to heart conversations. He has always made a way for us to have food on the table by always working hard.

My Dad is amazing because he is doing all of this without an education because he stopped attending school in elementary to care for his ill Mother (my grandmother). He is always looking for ways to work to ensure that his family was able to take vacations and enjoy living life.

For example, I can recall one conversation that my Dad and I had when I was younger. He said, “Nisey (my childhood nickname), when you get married and your husband comes home from a hard day of work, you need to not argue with him; as soon as, he enters the house. You do not know what kind of day that he had. Be thankful that he made it home safely.” Secondly, I remember my Dad saying “every man needs a recliner, so he can kick up his feet after a long day of work.”

In addition, my Dad and I discussed from a males perspective, how a woman should care for, love, and support her husband during the good and bad times. All of this information was expressed during our Saturday morning getaways to eat an early breakfast and spend Father-daughter time because I am the only girl and youngest of his children.

Besides enjoying a great Saturday breakfast with my Dad, I enjoyed riding to Warner Robins Supply (local hardware store) and learning about different carpenter tools and lumber. Little did my Dad know, I was learning a lot.

What are somethings that I wish my Dad would have taught me when I was a younger (teenage years)?

The only thing that I wish that my Dad would have done when I was younger, it is show me how to perform maintenance on a vehicle, how to mow the lawn, how to replace a window, to change a tire, door, or a knob on a drawer. These are things that I wish that my Dad was aware that his young daughter wanted to know. I wanted to learn these skills to assist my Dad when no one else would. I wanted to be his assistant because I enjoy working on projects and learning new things.

To all of the Father’s out there, in my opinion, please teach your daughter(s) the skills that you fill are for men only. You will never know when she will need to apply those skills.

Now, my Dad knows that I enjoy assisting and learning new woodworking projects. He knows that I wish he would have taught me more than the name and different types of carpenter’s tools. I would have loved to learn how to measure and build projects with him.

I love my parents. I love my Dad because he taught me how a woman should treat her husband. Everyday, I make my Dad proud because I recall all of the mini conversations that we would have about life in general. My Dad is 69 years old, and he still enjoys woodworking.

Happy Father’s Day to you all!!!

Cherish your children, love them unconditionally, and make many memories with your family, life is short.

Live Life to The Fullest, You Deserve It!!!!

Have a great day!!!!

My name is Denise. I am a wife and mother. I have homeschooled for several years. I enjoy homeschooling and sharing my advice with others. I have been married for a total of 15 years to my best friend, handsome, and supportive husband Tim. Besides being a wife, I am the mother to two smart fun, loving, and handsome boys Tyron and Tyson. I am the mother to two fur babies my Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) Ebony and Shaka Zulu. Along with being a wife and mother, I am a blogger and entrepreneur. My blog website is www.deveghomemama.com , and it is all about homeschooling, being plant based, and everyday life of a homeschool family. If you would like to follow me on my social media outlet, they are Facebook and Instagram: DeveghomemamaUCD Facebook Business: Deveghomemama Unlimited Custom Designs. Recently, I opened an Etsy Store titled Deveghomemama where I sell handcrafted jewelry, natural bath and body gift baskets, wax melts, and apparel. Here is the direct link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DeveghomemamaUCD