Guest Blogger: Sin, Forgiveness, Redemption and a PG Movie (Elizabeth Doan)

Earlier this evening, my daughter came to me and said that she had watched a movie with some bad words in it with a friend. I could tell she was struggling and I wanted to “freak out.” I said a quick prayer in my head for God to guide me in how to deal with this one.

After all, she did come to me and tell me.

A few moments later, God gave me an answer that I hope she will keep with her always. I told her that the little voice that was telling her that the movie wasn’t right was God’s Holy Spirit nudging her.

When she asked Jesus into her heart, the Holy Spirit took up permanent residence.

I told her that if she was ever not sure what to do, to pray and let the Holy Spirit guide her. I let her know that I wished she would have chosen not to watch the movie as soon as she felt that it wasn’t right.

She was feeling pretty awful as I spoke.

Then I told her the best part.

I told her that all she had to do was pray to God and ask for forgiveness and that He promises to make us clean again and to throw that sin as far as “the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12).

I explained that when Jesus died on the cross, He covered us and made us clean and white as snow when we mess up, that we’re a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). I finished by telling her that after He throws our sins away that He expects us not to keep repeating the same sin and that it’s our gift back to Him to do better and listen to the Holy Spirit.

She cried and hugged me and thanked me for comforting her. Oh my heart!

Sin, Forgiveness, Redemption and a PG Movie

I know that a movie may not seem like a big deal. But I also know, that throughout her life, she’s going to mess up in things both big and small. I don’t ever want her to feel like it’s all over, that she is damaged.

That’s the devil talking and God offers us so much more.

I want her to remember that the Holy Spirit will be with her always and she needs to listen to it.

I also want her to know that there’s forgiveness and grace.

I want her to know this message so badly because her Momma has messed up so bad on so many things big and small.

In those messes, I let Satan tell me that I’d never be good enough, that I was damaged goods and that God could never use me.

I believed him for so so long.

Then one day, redemption set in…God’s grace.

Let me tell you, He’s blessed me with my hearts desires and my cup runneth over every day. I’ll never been the same now that I’m on this side of His grace.

I know a movie choice isn’t life altering but if she is able to learn about His grace and forgiveness now, it will forever change her steps. That is my prayer for her and for all of my children.

Thank you God for making me their Mom.

Thank you for your wisdom when I am at a loss.

Thank you for using my failures and making them your victories.


Elizabeth Doan is married to her hubby David for 14 years.  Mother to four wonderful kiddos: Sam (10), Sarah (8), Evie Joy (4), and Sadie Rose (6 months).  Homeschooling Momma for 4 years with 17 years to go!   Elizabeth’s favorite quote in the whole wide world is: “Life is frittered away by details.  Simplify, simplify.”  -Henry David Thoreau